About Us

About Lake Swannona

Lake Swannanoa is a private lake community full of history and nature. Located within the estate of the former Ringling Brothers Circus, our original buildings are on the National Register of Historic Places. An abundance of fish and wildlife can be found in and around the 51-acre lake. Members enjoy a friendly community atmosphere while sharing a respect for the lake’s pristine environment.


To protect and enhance the waters of Lake Swannanoa and the surrounding lands so that members may enjoy fishing, swimming, boating, ice-skating and other lake-related recreational activities.

To provide members the opportunity to enjoy Lake Swannanoa related educational activities in an approved and safe environment.

To establish, promote and enforce guidelines and regulations that will preserve and maintain the privacy, serenity, beauty and natural resources of Lake Swannanoa and its environs.

To protect and preserve the historical significance of both the natural landscape and manmade structures as recorded and expected by the State and Federal Register of Historic Places.